Operation Write Home Showcase - Beth's cards
01 November 2010
Hi Everyone. Happy Monday. I hope you all had a great weekend.
This week we will be seeing some of those wonderful creations provided by you wonderful people for the Christmas/Holiday Operation Write Home card drive. You may recall that this card drive netted almost 1400 cards. You guys ROCK!
That's 1400 cards that 1400 members of the armed forces will be able to send home to 1400 family members. For those of you who have participated in this card drive - and in our past ones - thats nearly 3,000 cards we have collected since we began these drives this past year. That's a phenomenal number and you should all feel so proud.
I decided to do the showcase in alphabetical order.
joyce, soozie, melissa, brenda, cam, cherie, germaine, beth
So.... Beth is the first to be showcased. All you need to do to see Beth's cards - is click on the photograph below. This will take you to Beth's gallery.
Beth sent in some of the most amazing cards. I know that there are troop members of the Jewish faith who will be thrilled. Some of you may be wondering about the symbols on Beth's cards - and maybe even white Blue and White are used on cards, why are candles so prominently displayed and what is a menorah, actually? Additionally, there is an explanation of the dreidel - the spinning top displayed on Beth's cards. I provided a link to some of these questions for you.
Beth, thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent to create these cards. YOU ROCK!
I decided to create an album especially for each of the OWH showcases. That way, you get to see more cards than normal.
Click on the fabulous card below and it will take you to Beth's amazing showcase.
Don't forget - tomorrow is technique Tuesday. the technique - Stenciling on cards
Prayers to those of you who need a little lift.
As always, thank you for spending time in my little area of the stamping blogosphere. Your visits, your support and your comments are always greatly appreciated. Most of all though, tonight, would be to share a little love on Beth's cards!