Seeing Green and Technique Video Thursday
17 March 2011
Hi Everyone. Happy St Patrick's Day from our castle to yours!
Seeing green.... and not just because it is St Patty's Day, either. Today, we finally saw our lawn again. Yep... little patches of green appearing under the carpet of aging snow. The deck is starting to reappear. Life is good!
Tonight I have a technique video for you. This video shows you how to make the ribbon flowers that I made on this card and on this card.
Just double click on the pic below and it should take you straight to the video..... Now... this is NOT my best video. In fact, I had fully intended to redo the video. However... a little mishap in the kitchen this morning made sure that I won't be making ribbon flowers for a little while......
I was late this morning and was rushing to get the cats fed and my breakfast made. I didn't put my shoes on, which is unusual. Somehow I managed to slip and put my right hand forward to stop myself from falling. Well, I managed that. However, I caught my index finger and my second finger side on to the granite countertop. My index finger is swollen and bruised and I can't bend it at the first digit. Mmmmm... considering this is my right hand.. and I'm right handed.... it stops me doing some crafting! So... you will have to forgive me and the video will stay as it is for now. I'll redo it as soon as I can. The moral of the story... WEAR SHOES.... my mother always told me never to go around with bare feet. Mother, you were right! AGAIN!
I'd love to see any projects you make using this new technique!
On a personal note: not sure I am going to be able to make cards for a couple of days, sigh! Oh, well, I might have to do housework instead. Oh.... mmmm... maybe having a banged up finger might not help housework much either. Especially, considering that not only did I bang up my fingers this morning... but... yep... this is a keystone cops routine, ladies.... I came out of my office this morning to make a cup of tea between calls. I closed the office door behind me. And...forgot that my two fingers were sticking out, instead of being wrapped around the door handle. So... yes.. you can imagine what happened next... I caught the same two fingers in the door as I closed it. Yep... you can imagine what I said. And, you can be sure it wasn't upsa-daisy, either!
Prayers tonight for Missy. Oh, Missy. My heart goes out to you, my friend. Prayers that you remain strong through this ordeal and not let it affect your confidence and that you find another job soon. Big hugs. Prayers too for those who continue to be affected in Japan.
Have a wonderful Friday everyone and remember.... reach out to someone you haven't seen for a while and just say hi.