Secret Garden for PP158
Four You meets Secret Garden

Wetlands for Addicted to CAS

Hi Everyone

Happy Monday.  Another Wetlands card for you tonight.   I saw the challenge across at Addicted to Cas and knew that it was time to bring out my watercoloring pen and inks.

The sunrises and sunsets at this time of year are fabulous, so I decided to use up a sheet of watercolor paper and create a wetland image.   I really had fun water coloring the image and this card will be one of the ones that I send off to OWH as part of our drive.

It was a great excuse to pair a couple of colors together that I have never used together before... Island Indigo and Crisp Cantloupe.  They were the perfect colors to use as the mat and base for my water colored image.


I really don't think I will ever get tired of this set :-)

On a personal note:

It was a great weekend and Lou and I managed to sit outside on the deck and have dinner.  The weather was glorious, the sun was getting ready to set - it was just perfect.

Here's a photo of our dinner!

Dinner (1 of 1)

Weight Watchers vegetarian pie with an arugula salad and a glass of wine!   It was yummy and really delicious.  It doesn't taste like "diet" food at all!

We then followed it up with a bowl of fresh strawberries marinated in dark chocolate balsamic vingar with chocolate mint leaves.

Desert (1 of 1)

They really were as delicious as they looked!

And... I guess you would like a photograph of our dinner guests :-)

Niles and daphne (1 of 1)

They are still gracing us with their presence.  When I went out onto the deck this afternoon around lunch time, they were both settled down, all relaxed, in the wetland area.  They were so low to the ground that I almost didn't see them.  They spend time alternating between the shade of the woodland and then digging around for food in our wetland area.    I cannot tell you how happy they make me!

As always, thank you for stopping by my little neck of the stamping blogosphere.  Your visits and your comments are always greatly appreciated.   Warm hugs and prayers for those of you who need a little lift tonight.



Card recipe - all ingredients Stampin' Up!

  • Card stock:  Island Indigo, Calypso Coral, Water colr (non SU)
  • Stamps:  Wetlands
  • Inks:  Marina Mist, Island Indigo, Pear Pizzazz, Old Olive, Calyspo Coral, Soft Sky
